Monday, October 27

Feeling blue.

On a happy note, Fall 'Roid Week started today. Yay Polaroid! I'll be posting my faves from the pool all week.

As for feeling blue, I don't know, I guess it's still fall out from the whole job mess. I do believe that the change is for the best and I'm feeling mostly optimistic about the situation, but nonetheless, there are some raw feelings there. Part of me hasn't gotten over being shocked. Another not so nice part of me keeps chanting, "LOSER" inside my head. And the fact that I have to go to back to work tomorrow has me feeling a bit weird too. My boss and I are okay, but, I don't know. It's just an odd situation.

And actually, for being someone who has a tendency to ruminate about things quite a bit, I'm doing a pretty good job of not constantly thinking about what happened. A pretty good job. Random thoughts sneak in though. Particularly when I wake up in the middle of the night. It's like, "oh yeah, I don't have a job anymore." Which sometimes leads to an evaluation of my entire life and all the things that I feel stupid about or could have done differently or feel that I failed at or whatever. Not real productive, let me tell you.

But mostly I am good. Just putting one foot in the front of the other. Perusing all the job postings that I know about for Santa Fe. Making lists of things that I'd love to accomplish while I have more time. Knitting. Lots and lots of knitting. And taking pictures. I am thinking I am going to have pull out the digital camera more often now since getting film processed gets expensive when one doesn't have a steady income. It's not like my film experiments have been particularly stellar anyhow.


It's all okay. I'm just blue today. (And there are some football blues in there too. Our loss yesterday was so disappointing.)

Well, I'm off to dine on chicken pot pie and watch Sex and the City.

Take some Polaroid pictures this week!!

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