This morning as I drove to the post office, the wind was blowing like crazy and a few white specks seemed to be falling from the sky. I went inside for five minutes and when I got back outside, a blizzard had begun. Seriously. Snow blowing everywhere, low visibility and cold as heck. It was crazy. And kind of fun. Ten minutes later, it was over.
It's been windy as hell all day though and freezing cold. Low tonight is supposed to be around 18 degrees. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I've been spending most of my time knitting. I'm sort of obsessed with making baby stuff right now. No, not for us, for Will's sister! She's having a baby boy in March. Making baby hats is so much fun! I can finish one in 3 or 4 hours so it's instant gratification. And the hats are so tiny and cute! I've made three so far and might make one more. Not that the kid needs so many hats, I just can't resist.

The one on the left is the Baby Hat from
One Skein and the one on the right is the Umbilical Cord Hat from
I also plan to make a bunch of simple bibs. I've made one so far using the Baby Bib O' Love pattern from
Mason-Dixon Knitting.

Simple and cute. I might add some embroidery or a felted patch or something. There's a simple pattern for burping cloths too so I'll make a few of those as well.
Who knew that knitting for babies was so much fun?!
I've also been trying to do more of the cooking now that I am not working. (And Will is working like crazy! De-install/installs always require working for a couple of weeks straight.) It's not that I don't like cooking...well, okay, it's not my favorite thing to do. But I can do it and I'm not half bad at it so I am cooking. For my busy husband. (He usually does most of the cooking.) Anyway, yesterday I made one of my old stand-bys that we haven't had in a long time. Indonesian Peanut Chicken from one of my Betty Crocker cook books. Easy and pretty damn tasty. I mean, how can you go wrong with peanut butter?

Today I made a pot of chili. Will makes excellent chili so I followed his directions which hopefully means I currently have an excellent pot of chili on the stove. We shall see.
Tomorrow...a morning run in the freezing cold, a first attempt at felting a little handbag and leftover chili.