My interpretation of the latest Words To Shoot By. The little photo shoot I had with myself was a bit of a fiasco, but in the end, I am quite pleased with the results. My perfectionist self would have loved to correct the composition of the top and bottom photos, but being that I only have one more pack of The Impossible Project's PZ600 film, I didn't want to "waste" it on more shots of myself. And composition aside, I absolutely love the tones of this film. Finally it worked for me!
And for the record, I am quite happy at the moment. While March has been a difficult month for me, there have been some turning points and I am feeling good. This really was an actual photo shoot idea versus the reality of mood. (In case you were worried.)
I am hoping to once again have time for this little blog, but due to the various rough patches of March, I am feeling quite behind on my work and the garden. So I probably should spend less time online. (Says she who checks FB and Twitter obsessively.)
A happy week to you all. I hope to have some rock show Polas for you later in the week!