Tuesday, January 30

five flickr favorites to relieve stress

I am a stress case this week (so far anyway, I guess it is only Tuesday), and it is not very much fun. I don't like getting so worked up about things. It certainly doesn't help, and in fact, being so stressed makes me snap at people which sometimes makes things worse. Do you know what I mean? Perhaps something wonky is going on with the stars and planets, but yesterday I just snapped. I blamed it on sleeping poorly for a few nights in a row, but I slept well last night and still woke up feeling like a monster!

Anyway, I don't want to harp on stress and negativity, so today I am posting five Flickr favorites from the last week or so.

supercapacity's palm. lovely and serene.
maditi's with | without. dreamy.
bloody power's Me and JC. strong and beautiful. also quintessential pittsburgh ladies.
lauratitian's untitled. love all the tablescapes, but this one is so perfect to me.
polagroid's .503. roar.

And I have to say that I already feel better after taking the time to revisit these photos and create the links. Seriously.

What are your latest favorites? On Flickr or anywhere...please share. I could use some love today, plus it is always fun to be led to new wonders on the web.

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