Monday, May 11

Wrapping it all up.

The cats are going to be shipped off to reform school. Seriously. Simon just came in here and scratched the hell out of my arm because he wants to eat breakfast NOW. They are so bad.

Here are the rest of my fave submissions to Spring 'Roid Week.

[Allium on Artistic TZ]

[Ranunculus is one of my favorite flowers. And I can spell it now!]

My love.
[My sweet husband on our anniversary. And mom's lilacs which are in full bloom right now and so beautiful. I love lilacs too.]

[Fifth anniversary.]

Anniversary sunset.
[Sunset while having our anniversary dinner at Terra Restaurant.]

I have to work again today, but hopefully I'll find some time to tell you about our dinner.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about your dinner! Details soon please. :)


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