Monday, June 11

tuesday's flickr faves on monday

Greetings, my dears! Hope you all had lovely weekends. We had a nice time in Albuquerque hanging out with the kids. Instead of taking pictures of flowers and cats, I took pictures of dogs! I know you must be thrilled.

ginger & dallas
Ginger belongs to my sis and her family and the wee pup, Dallas, is staying with them while his owner is in Hawaii. Hard to resist the cuteness here, right?

New Mexico is not known for tornadoes, thankfully, but on Saturday, if we had left for Albuquerque about 30 minutes later than we did, we would have run right into this one. Granted, I might have gotten some tornado pictures but sitting in traffic for hours would not have been much fun. I am glad we left earlier than planned.

So, I haven't done flickr faves in quite awhile, and I usually do them on Tuesdays, but there's no telling what I'll be doing tomorrow, so I'm going to post a a few on this Monday evening. They go back to mid-April or thereabouts.

gayla's white cat (birch and horsetail).
fubuki's are you freaking coming?.
polaroidjesus' disco ball. polaroidjesus is one of my favorite Polaroid photographers on Flickr. His work is stunning.
bloody p.'s Dirty Faces @ Howlers - 4/28/07. photo by blazzzer, I believe.
also from bloody p., Weird thing on Butler St.. by bloody p. herself. love it. (and okay, yes, I can't stop with the cats.)
johanna's tree. perfect.
nel's blaetterdach. magnificent colors and light.

I'll try to get back in the swing of weekly flickr favs. I don't know how many of you look at the links, but no matter, I enjoy sharing my flickr finds.

Also, I keep meaning to mention that the Polaroid Self-Portraits group has grown to 115 members and I couldn't be happier about it. You should click through the group photos. There is some amazing work posted. And if you haven't already, you should post some of your own!

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