We've had arctic temperatures in Santa Fe for the past two days and it's not much fun. I think if we had gotten the big snowstorm with the cold, we all would be complaining less about the brutal cold. The lack of moisture here this winter is worrisome. Apparently it did snow about 2 feet up in the mountains which is good, but still, we really need to get some good snowstorms soon otherwise we'll be looking at a drought this spring and summer.
It was -2 degrees when I got up this morning. I contemplated trying to be bad ass and going out for my morning run, but I decided it probably wasn't a great idea. After my morning tea and internet, I was feeling a bit restless and somehow got bacon on the brain so I decided a walk to the supermarket was in order. I've been craving a bagel with cream cheese too. So we bundled up and walked over to Whole Foods.
It didn't feel nearly as cold as I had expected. And since I didn't get to run, it felt good to be out and about, stretching my legs. The trip back home felt colder for some reason. My left nostril froze and we both had seriously rosy cheeks from the cold.
I fried up the bacon and had a bagel with cream cheese and tomato and a slice of bacon for breakfast. Then later, for lunch, I decided to try this recipe that my friend Sheryl sent to me awhile back.
Maple-Bacon Kettle Popcorn (from the Browneyedbaker)
4 slices bacon, cooked and grease reserved
1 tablespoon maple syrup
½ cup corn kernels for popping
¼ cup cooking oil (use the reserved bacon grease and add extra vegetable/canola/olive oil to make ¼ cup)
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1½ teaspoon salt
1. Fry the bacon in a skillet until brown and crisp. Remove to a paper towel-lined plate to drain and cool. Once cool, chop into small pieces and toss with the maple syrup.
2. Measure out the reserved bacon grease into a measuring cup. If you don’t have a ¼ cup, add vegetable, canola or olive oil to make ¼ cup total.
3. Put the cooking grease/oil in a large pan and add the corn kernels. Sprinkle with the sugar and 1 teaspoon of the salt. Heat the stove to medium heat, cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid and wait until you hear the first couple of kernels pop.
4. Once the popping begins, use two pot holders to hold lid on the pot and shake the pot, then return to the burner. Continue to do this often throughout the popping process, every minute or two. This will help ensure that the sugar doesn’t burn.
5. Once the popping is done, remove the lid and salt the popcorn with the remaining ½ teaspoon of salt. Use a large spoon to stir the popcorn. Pour in the bacon and maple syrup mixture. Toss together and serve.
The first taste was shockingly sweet, but I got over it and found the combination of flavors to be rather addictive. Will didn't like it because I don't think he likes popcorn with sweetness so I had the whole bowl to myself. I probably could have easily scarfed down the whole thing, but I managed to find some self-control and put it away. (Although I probably still ate more than I should have!)
If you are a popcorn addict (like me) who loves bacon (like me), this recipe is definitely worth making. I might cut back on the sugar a tad and use less grease for the popping if I make it again. And I'd probably cut the recipe in half if making it just for myself.
Will made chocolate chip cookies yesterday and I have to admit, with this cold weather, I kind of wanted to eat cookies and bacon popcorn all day. With hot chocolate.
But I didn't.
I knit and watched some NFL Network and more of Pushing Daisies, my latest choice for daytime television.
The cats are actually having a harder time with this weather than we are. Well, really it's just Rocky. Simon is pretty content to nap all day in front of the heater. Rocky is totally pissed that it's bitterly cold outside. He went out twice today for about 5 minutes each time. Not very fulfilling in his book, I am sure. So he's stir crazy and to try to ease his winter blues, we've been playing with him a lot. Which is good, actually, because running around the house and throwing his favorite toys for him provides a work out for us as well.
Be warm. xo
P.S. Please don't yell at me for letting Rocky outside when it is so cold. He goes in the backyard so he can't get out and roam. And I check on him every few minutes. I would never just put him out and forget about him.
I have to show this recipe to my sister in law. She makes this secret popcorn with curry and bakers yeast? I don't care for it, but I'm not that adventurous when it comes to foods but everyone else seems to LOVE it. We recently went to a restaurant and had bacon popcorn with some bacon, crispy sage & shaved parmesan! SO GOOD!
ReplyDeletemaple and bacon and popcorn? Gotta say it's not the first combination of flavors I would have thought of. But sometimes, good things are like that.