Monday, July 6

This and that.


Hope everyone had a fun holiday weekend. We had a nice time with friends over on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. Lots of rain which was nice. It cooled things off some and cheered up the garden. It's been threatening to rain today, but so far nothing more than a few drops.

I wore myself out today working in the yard. I pulled weeds for a few hours and then started working on the flagstone in the side yard. We added a bunch of pieces and so none of the path is even. The new pieces need to be dug in. I keep tripping over the high stones and it drives me crazy so today I finally dove into fixing it up. Good lord, it is hard work. I got halfway through before the thunder started and I called it a day. Hopefully I can finish it up tomorrow. I also need to tackle the weeds in the back yard.

This whole week is pretty much about cleaning things up, inside and out. Our friends from Pittsburgh arrive on Friday night and well, I am sure they don't care if there is a little dirt in the house, but it's in my blood to make sure the house is clean before visitors. So slowly but surely I am going to get the cleaning done throughout the week. Of course by Friday we'll have tracked in more dirt and the cats will have shed more fur everywhere, but oh well. Things should be relatively clean. Okay, yes, anal.

We're super excited about having visitors. From Pittsburgh! Our very first Pittsburgh visitors. We've planned a few things but mostly I guess we'll just play it by ear and feel out what everyone wants to do. I think it's going to be a lot of fun.

So that's what is happening around here. Now back to my knitting and watching of crap television.

Happy Monday!

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