1. The Coliseum with Scaffolding, 2. Golden Hour, 3. Untitled, 4. Impossible px70 shot with sx-70 sonar. http://www.daniellebourland.com/analog-journal-vol-1/, 5. a hint, 6. 'Roid Week, No. 3, 7. My artwork, as an instant, 8. The reminder of warm weather to come, 9. Black Bird, 10. Noble Heart, 11. La bonne étoile, 12. 原來貓也是會流淚的, 13. I did not know that the wind could be tender..., 14. Something for the heart..., 15. Lusen (Aus)Flug, 16. tiny tiny tiny, 17. Untitled, 18. epcot, 19. Bass Harbor Light, 20. Chapter 3.1, 21. serve the people | 2, 22. slipping through your hands, 23. Amelie 2.0, 24. Emerald Isle Pier, 25. lightplay, 26. Nico, 27. ., 28. ROID WEEK 2014/5, 29. Smooth Mr Innocent fuji3000b, 30. Untitled, 31. off and away....., 32. Just Doing It, 33. Every story is a ghost., 34. I wish to weep but sorrow is stupid., 35. Tulips, 36. BW BROOKLYN TREE
Some of the photos don't show up because they lack the proper permission (to be used with Big Huge Labs) from the photographer, but you can follow the links below each mosaic to view each photograph.
[Created with the Mosaic Maker.]
Juli - I am just FINALLY catching up with blogs. I love your 'Roid Week Fave posts! Thank you so much for including my photos today!! <3