We parked downtown and walked across one of the bridges to get to the stadium. (One of my favorite things about Pittsburgh is all the bridges.)

[CC and Dana]

[Our view.]
We sat way up high in the corner of the stadium. The stairs were so steep, they were a little vertigo-inducing. But no matter, our view of the field was good as we could pretty much see everything that was going on.

[CC and Will]

[Me and Dana]
Look at all those Steelers fan. I was so excited when we first got there, I almost started crying. Will and I had been to one game while we still lived in Pittsburgh so it wasn't our first time, but there was something about being at a game, with our friends, after being away for so long that felt extra special.
Watching the home games in Santa Fe, the aerial shots of Pittsburgh and Heinz Field always make me miss Pittsburgh so much. So to actually be there, in Pittsburgh, at Heinz Field, was the best thing ever.
And we won that game (vs. the Seahawks) which made the experience all the better.
Going to another Steelers game in the next couple of years is already on my dream list!
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