Wednesday, January 25

The train station.

We went out to Lamy, NM a few weeks ago to pick up our friend Stephanie who was arriving from NYC by train. She's doing a documentary about the Southwest Chief, a train that I have traveled on a few times myself.

I love going out to the train station. It's the original station which was built in 1880s. And there are just so many things to photograph out there.

Old rail cars.

The train tracks and the mountain views.

And watching the train arrive still makes me excited. It also makes me want to go somewhere by train myself!

I should probably go hang out at the train station more often. It's always so inspiring.

[Ha! I see that I said practically the same thing three years ago!]


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I loooove trains. It's the best way to travel. And you're right - there are plentiful photo ops!

  2. Beautiful images! Makes me want to travel by train.

  3. You definitely need to hang out there more -these photos are fantastic!


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