1. legs on river, 2. 41.52 / Peony, 3. planes, 4. Submerged with Ike, 5. saturday morning | june 25. 2011, 6. Untitled, 7. 'Roid Week 2011 - Day 4, 8. leads me back, 9. Sunny side up, 10. Untitled, 11. Flames, 12. dandelions, 13. PX680ff Sunflower, 14. Palm Trees #2, 15. Untitled, 16. hand effects, 17. Untitled, 18. Untitled, 19. Untitled, 20. momma's backyard, 21. Cherry on Top, 22. GW bridge, 23. waterbirds, 24. trouble, 25. Untitled

'Roid Week, Day 4
1. Have Hope, 2. Untitled, 3. px600ss007, 4. Untitled, 5. Untitled, 6. Royal Typewriter - Untitled-1_72dpi, 7. fishing, 8. Polaroid Arc de Triomphe, 9. ...3, 10. Untitled, 11. Liquor - Untitled-3_72dpi, 12. Lunch Room, Kelso Depot, 13. space divides us, 14. catch a falling star, 15. Untitled, 16. Untitled, 17. And all the people of the lulled and dumbfound town are sleeping now..., 18. Untitled, 19. sun setting on the water, 20. 110210_Australia11x, 21. Apple Tree, 22. beachcomber's collection, 23. Untitled, 24. ...., 25. Untitled
[Created with fdsflickrtoys]
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